30 days weight loss plan || home remedies to lose belly fat naturally

how to lose weight quickly

The question that is always asked by everyone is how to lose weight quickly ? How to loose weight fast? And then everyone starts running for it. In this era of digital internet, Google is bombarded with questions such as 7 day diet plan for weight loss, effective remedy for weight loss.


Poor Google starts working by saying its command and puts various options in front of us like ww, Weight Watchers, best weight loss program, banana smoothies to lose weight. Seeing all this, the weight remains aside and your search goes astray.

Without taking much of your time, today we are going to see some methods by which you can lose weight in a month in a smart way at home. One month weight loss challenge.

First of all, reduce white foods in your meals like milk, sugar, rice and salt. These white enemies always mess up your weight loss mission.

no sugar diet

Table of Contents

Homemade detox water infused water for weight loss
Take cumin, fennel, carom seeds in equal proportions and make a fine powder of it. Drink this powder in hot water every morning on an empty stomach.

Salad and soup: weight loss soup recipes


Eat more salad while eating and keep food to a minimum. soup
And include fruits like pineapple, orange, water melon in your diet. Eating pineapple reduces body fat twice as fast.

Junk food :  about junk food
Give up chocolate, chips, cold drinks, fried food for just one month and after a month you will see that you have really lost weight, you will automatically cut down on these junk foods.

Detox water : detox drinks for weight loss at home

Drink detox water regularly to remove accumulated impurities from the body. Keep 3 to 4 cucumber slices, 2 cloves of garlic, a lemon peel and a small piece

 of cinnamon in a cup of water and drink this water regularly in the morning. Cucumber water for weight loss

While doing all this, do at least 15 minutes of light exercise regularly and drink plenty of warm water.
If you follow the above mentioned rules and diet for just 30 days with mind control, you will surely lose 5 to 8 kg weight. 

Diet cheat – Plan B : 
If you are tired after all these measures then you have plan B also ready, this route should be followed by those who don’t have time but have money.

weight loss pills

These days there are many weight loss products in the market, some of them are as follows Vokin Biotech Exipure Capsules,saxenda, alpine capsules, ikaria lean belly juice, bariatric surgery, prima weight loss capsules,weight loss clinic.

Remember that these solutions will only provide temporary relief. Losing weight naturally is always good.


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